I get all the butterflies when I book in home lifestyle newborn sessions! I just love the way they document and tell the story of life as you know it in the comfort of your own own. The nursery details that you've planned so long for, the counter tops littered with bottles, formula, diaper bags, and who knows what else. Photographing newborns is always one of my favorite sessions, but my heart will always leap a bit extra when I get to do it documentary style in someones home!
Mr. Beckham was born as a premie and was still oh-so-small for his session! He made my job easy and wasn't fussy at all. His little extra time on earth made him well prepared to be photographed.

Also, if you ask me if its okay to include your dogs in the session, I am ALL in for it. Yes, yes and yes!

Mom and dad had a perfect little spot in their kitchen with a huge bay window that had nice soft white curtains that we could use as a filter. Yes I said kitchen. Yes, we created these photos in their kitchen. Newborn photos will work wherever there is just a tiny bit of space and a whole lotta beautiful light!

Also, peep below to see the cutest little baby toes. I always try to capture some of the little baby details. They'll never be that small again!
